Did we just say “yardscaping”? YES. Yes we did.
Rather than supporting chemically-treated, water-wasted lawns, yardscape design gives attention to native plants, to our wonderful pollinators, to sustainable year-round visual interest, to perennial food sources, and to creative water reuse systems (to conserve what is nature-given & to lower water bills). We work the soil organically (100% pesticide-free) supporting a safer, more abundant ecosystem.

Earth Care

People Care

Fair Share


We are happily accepting compostables (leaf bags, kitchen scraps, halloween pumpkins) via drop offs at our curbside wheelbarrow and offering local container pickups, too (please see details for pricing). Use one of our containers or use your own!

Collecting pumpkins curb-side is as easy as a wheelbarrow, signage, and a little outreach! Neighbors gladly contribute and spark connections!
Fall pumpkins are valuable nitrogen for compost! Start a pile and combine with leaf carbon sources for beautiful soil amendments in no time!
Composting patterns doing the hard work for you! Fall leaf bags are abundant and can be used to keep unbagged pile-rows in place regardless of windy winter months! Spring soil activity is off the charts!

Find our drop off location on Sharewaste.com!


Like we said before, our yardscaping principles focus on organic sustainability. Here are a few design examples from past projects with our wonderful clients.


Before and after of a front yard tidy up, clearing out overgrowth to add in layers of diverse plant heights and colors.


Before and after of some Juniper bushes that were overgrown and needed better airflow, taking them up off the ground and away from the house.


Diverse plant species with attention to seasonal bloom times, re-seeding annuals, fruiting perennials, and low-water diversity to keep water bills affordable and the eco-system thriving!


Initial project phasing on this project included perennial chicken habitat and a potential lean-to hoophouse on the south of the home and garage, with the beginnings of fencing to keep goat pasture separated from new plants in the food forest.


Additional fencing to allow for more perennials growing abundantly into goat pasture, helping nourish the animals passively while preventing over-grazed plantings.


Genralized color-coded mapping of projects for a client holding many goals, with attention on the relationships between each piece of the puzzle like distance, frequency of visits, growth and watering habits.


Highly detailed planting maps to make projects run smoothly and keep estimates as accurate as possible. These projects share the same manager working on site to build fertility with roof top water capture, food forestry, and extensive use of micro-climates to maximize growth potential.

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